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Prevent the theft of GPS units from your vehicle

Updated December 23, 2009

Southern California has not been exempt from the recent rash of GPS unit thefts. Normally a vehicle burglar is forced to walk up to a car to see what is inside and worth taking. Unfortunately, all too many people leave items such as laptop computers, cell phones, and MP3 players on seats, in center consoles, or on floorboards that can easily be seen when someone looks into the vehicle. With GPS units that are usually mounted on the dashboard or windshield, merely driving by will offer the proper view. By remaining in the moving vehicle until one of these units is spotted, the criminal can cover more ground in a shorter period of time. When the thief sees one, the window is smashed and the GPS unit is taken.

The Cerritos Sheriff’s Station/Community Safety Center would like to remind residents that if they make an opportunity available for a thief, chances are it will be taken. Make sure that you lock all valuables, including GPS units, in the trunk of your vehicle or take them with you if you do not have secure trunk space. We have seen the vehicle burglary rate climb so far this year and these highly visible GPS units have contributed to that increase. Don’t be a victim. Take the time to properly secure your property, including your GPS unit, so it will be there upon your return.

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